Main features of APF Energy's feedstock strategy
- APF Energy uses animal manure and co-substrates (food and feed waste products, glycerin) as feedstock.
- We use a minimum of 50% manure at each plant.
- Each of the current sites are either ISCC compliant or will be once producing biomethane.
- APF Energy implements a tailored feedstock menu for each plant.
- Our biologist has overall responsibility for the optimal feedstock menu. He considers (amongst other factors) the gas yield, feedstock price, off-take obligations, availability of product.
- To support this process, the biologist regularly discusses the optimal approach with the operational, finance and procurement teams.
- Long-standing relationships with key traders ensures an understanding of the market and provides the insight and flexibility to acquire appropriate feedstock at appropriate prices.
- APF Energy negotiates with traders on behalf of the project companies. Feedstock acquisition, however, is carried out directly by the project companies.
Parties involved in APF Energy's feedstock strategy
- APF Energy B.V.
- Project companies
- Co-substrate and manure traders